Coromandel peninsula

It was a long incredible winding road (358km in total), from Coromandel Town to Rotorua along the Coromandel Peminsua.

We got some food at the supermarket in Coromandel Town, the a stop at the smokery to have some good salmon and a smoked 8 years old cheese and then we drove just 10 km of the 309 road that is going deeply through the bush. Really amazing, but the we decided to drove back thought the costal way. I do believe that was a great idea!

The bush along the 309
309 gravel road
Spectacular!!! The scenic point just up to the hill is giving you a great 360 view of the Coromandel Bay.

Scenic view on Coromandel town Bay

Ospito beach is just in the middle of nowhere, but really a great place to have a rest or just to spend your time or even your life!!!

Opito Bay

Then we reached Whitianga, a nice city, were we hike for a 25 minute 1 way (1.70km 130m slope) to reach the Cathedral cove, an amazing beach where you could stay for a complete day, just relaxing with the blue ocean around

Cathedral cove
Cathedral cove
Cathedral cove

We ate in Hahei beach, also estonishing and then we drove to Waihi Beach, quiet, no one, al for us… sometimes I do really wonder why should I not decide to stay more in some places…

Bay of plenty

Waiting Beach

But we would continue and we just reach Rotorua!

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